Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sunshine and Summertime!

On Saturday, I graduated with an Artium Baccalaureas degree in Psychology from the beautiful College of Charleston, and I couldn't have asked for a better graduation day. The weather started out overcast, but the sun began to shine as we took the stage, and continued for the rest of the day. I didn't trip, my hair stayed pretty, and my mom, brothers and Ryan all were there to share it with me :) Good times.

Now, what to do now that I am all moved in at the BCM house? Well, mostly I've been bored, which is a nice change instead of really, really busy. That will change as I prepare bible studies for the 11th and 12th grade youth at Fort Johnson on Sunday mornings, and prepare some lessons for the youth mission trip I'm going on in June, along with settling down with a more consistent work schedule. But so far, I'm just enjoying the sunshine and the summertime :)

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